Mental Health

Find articles on stress, phobias and schizophrenia. This section offers information on a range of mental health issues.

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"Let's go to grandpa's room and see if it still smells funny," said Tommy.

By Laurie L. Dove

The terms sociopath and psychopath are used interchangeably, but they're not the same. So what's the differences between these two antisocial personality disorders?

By Patrick J. Kiger

In 1962, at a girls' school in Tanganyika (now Tanzania), Africa, some schoolgirl giggles turned into a countrywide health crisis. And, to this day, the laughter remains a mystery.

By Jesslyn Shields


They blink, stretch, purr and are warm to the touch. Robotic companion animals have been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and antipsychotic drug use among older people, especially those with with dementia.

By Jesslyn Shields

These days, people are looking for ways to find and share more joy instead of feeling happy about someone else's misfortune. That feeling of shared joy is called freudenfreude.

By Kristen Hall-Geisler

Feeling down and need someone to pick you up? Give the kids of Peptoc a call and we guarantee a smile!

By Patty Rasmussen

Research has shown that having a good relationship with your therapist is key to having good outcomes in therapy. But how do you find one you like? We have some great suggestions.

By Alia Hoyt


It's a term that's often used in an argument. But gaslighting has a very specific meaning that is often lost. What is it and how can you know if you're really being gaslighted?

By Alia Hoyt

Imagine being trapped in a cave or being completely blind. Would you know when to sleep and wake? And how would that throw off your body clock?

By Jennifer Walker-Journey

The fear of long words is ironic, as the name is ridiculously long. What gives?

By Sharise Cunningham

You've probably had a scary dream where you fell off a cliff, were naked in public or were chased by a monster. What causes these nightmares and can you lessen their occurrence?

By Alia Hoyt


FDA antidepressant warnings have led to reduced mental health care and increased suicides among youth, so what is going on?

By Stephen Soumerai & Ross Koppel

Getting enough sleep and finding the healthiest position to sleep in go hand in hand. So, side, back, stomach? Which is the healthiest way to sleep?

By Laurie L. Dove

Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, is all about slowing down and "bathing" yourself in the beauty of nature, which leads to psycho-emotional healing and stress reduction.

By Carrie Tatro

Can ultra-processed foods really be considered addictive? Or are people just overindulging in foods that they like?

By Ashley Gearhardt


Even though most people don't like getting shots, we can do it without much hesitation. But what if you have a debilitating fear of needles? How do you push past that to get critical medical care like the COVID-19 vaccine?

By Allison Troutner

Daydreaming is often how we escape the everyday mundane. But what happens when those fantasies start to replace your real desire for life?

By Jennifer Walker-Journey

Getting lost in a book is one of life's greatest pleasures, but is a digital book just as pleasurable as a paper book? And which format is the best for learning?

By Patty Rasmussen

About half of all Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory. But what's the difference between believing a theory and being addicted to it? And how can you help someone you think might be in too deep?

By Nathan Chandler


Everyone experiences boredom at some point and maybe even ennui, a chronic type of boredom. But surprisingly, ennui does have some benefits.

By Alia Hoyt

A sudden (or subsequent) temporary upsurge of grief, or STUG, can knock you off your feet and leave you in a puddle, but being aware of it can lessen its power.

By Carrie Tatro

Should we blame this on the movie 'Jaws'? Many people have a fear of the ocean and what lies beneath it. How can you cope with this?

By Alia Hoyt

Trypophobia is the fear — or more like disgust — of closely packed holes. But is it a real phobia and how can it be treated?

By Michelle Konstantinovsky


Four weeks and 4,000 miles is a long time to get by on catnaps during a solo sailing race. So, researchers set out to find whether there was a sleep strategy that worked best.

By Nathan Chandler

Horses are extremely sensitive to human emotions and are able to pick up on our subtlest feelings to help us uncover emotional blind spots.

By Wendy Bowman